So first things first, I am going to be changing the template of the blog. I plan to add adsense as a way to make a few pennies during the month, as I have 9 whole readers on average. I don't expect to make money, I just want that option. The problem is I have no clue how to add an adsense add to this template... I don't really know how to do it with the blogger templates either, but I think it will be easier because that's how things always work. So expect a few aesthetic changes in the future.
Second, my birthday is this week! I am excited. The big 3-0. Okay, maybe it's only big for me, but 30 is another decade older. I have been alive for 3 decades. That just sounds old! I have really wrestled with the idea of being 30... thirty years old! I don't know why, perhaps because when you are 15 the oldest you can think of is 30. Who knows. But it's been hard to wrap my brain around!
On top of that I am also struggling with how little I have accomplished in 30 years. I think that one is taking more of a toll on me than anything. In 30 years, I have accomplished nothing I wanted to do in life. I am still in school, trying to get a bachelors for fuck's sakes. I do not have children. I am ringed with someone (which I never thought I would do). I have not traveled outside of the US..... I mean, the big things I have just not done. Not because I didn't want to, but because I couldn't. It's hard to realize that you won't achieve your "before 30" list.
Either way, I've been struggling with that and school this week, which means I've not had time to do much of anything else. But now I can focus on the good a bit.
The good you say?
Well, I am working my ass off this week in order to go out this weekend. Hell yes, I am going out all weekend. Friday my partner is taking me somewhere for a quiet dinner. We typically do the melting pot, but that will be saved for another weekend this year. I haven't decided where we will go, but honestly I'd be happy with Chipotle or somewhere low key like that! Then the real fun starts!
Saturday we are heading up to visit friends in another city. Not just a few friends, but there are going to be around 20 of us (including spouses) all hanging out, enjoying a meal, drinking, and just being goofy people like we are. Why? Well, why not? I mean, yeah, this really isn't happening because it's my bday, but I can always pretend. :-p
So this week is full of school so this weekend can be full of fun! Seems like a fair trade off.
Until Next Time!
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