Monday, January 5, 2015

Stop and think about it

All around us right now we are slammed with images and stories that make it sometimes hard to believe we are living in a society so intolerant of people.  AT astonishing numbers GLBT youth are killing themselves because society has taught them they are less than.  This is my attempt to reconcile what I seeing and how I am feeling.

The big "in the spotlight" suicide right now is that of Leelah Alcorn.  Leelah was bullied, not so much by society, but by her parents.  She was drugged up, told she was less than, that she was mentally deranged and needed to be "fixed".  Instead of embracing their child and helping her navigate a world that was already against her, her parents turned on her.  As a result she felt there was no other choice but to walk in front of a semi truck and end the pain she felt.  A permanent solution to a temporary problem.  The only solution she felt she had.  And that is tragic.

Before Leelah was Ronin Shimizu, a 12 year old child who committed suicide after being the target of bullying because he was different.  I do not know, and cannot find anything stating, if Ronin was gay, and that doesn't matter.  He was bullied by people who called him gay, who challenged his maleness because he liked to cheer.  Because he was different.  Because he was true to himself.  This little boy was 12 for fucks sake.  Who cares what his preference in lovers might have been?  He was a child who opted to take his own life rather than face anymore bullying.  How can our society be okay with this?

I could go on and on with teens who have felt they needed to take their life to get away from the bullshit society has put on them, but I think these two instances show my point.  Why are we putting adult problems on children?  Why are we burdening children with the bigotry of the world?  Why aren't we embracing our children for who they are, not who we want them to be?  Why aren't we embracing our children.

I am sick to death of hearing stories where people feel like suicide is the only solution because of the pain that is inflicted on them by other people.  Wake up society.  Wake up and realize your truth is not every one's truth.  The way you choose to live your life is not the way other people choose to live their life.  Stop teaching children that men act this way and women act that way.  Stop using gay as a slur.  Stop putting adult burdens on our children!  Just stop.

Think about what you are doing, what message you are sending to the youth of today.

And if you are a teen who is thinking about suicide, please listen to me.  I am not a paid actor, I am not a paid anyone.  I am a student, I am a normal person, just like you.  And I can tell you it gets better.  I hate to sound cliche, but IT. GETS. BETTER.  Yes, your parents may hate you, mine do.  Yes, your friends may abandon you, mine did.  Yes, you may find yourself alone in the this... but you aren't really alone.  There are a lot of us out there who have been in your shoes.  There are a lot of us out there who have dealt with everything you are dealing with right now.  It's hard.  It sucks.  It shouldn't have to be... but I promise you, life gets better.  Anyone who tells you that you are living the best days of your life, right now, are lying to you.  I am still relatively young and I know even I am not living the best days of my life right now.  I am nearly 30 and enjoying life, in college, surrounded by the family I have chosen (and none of it is biological) and I promise you, the best is yet to come.

If you need help, please seek it out.  The best resource I know available is the Trevor Help Line.

The Trevor Line.  Those who brought you the It Gets Better campaign also offer crisis intervention.  Call them: 866-488-7386 or go to their website Trevor Crisis help

Please know that you are worth it, you have a life ahead of you.  People are here to support you.  Let them help you.  You are worth living for.

Until Next Time.

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