Somehow I thought going back to school AND starting an adoption were great things to start at the same time! Ain't I smart?
Life right now is very compartmentalized. I have three compartments, school, adoption, partner. Sadly school is taking up more but that is because I start tomorrow. Reading through the syllabus for each class is giving me a headache of epic proportions. I am struggling to understand why I am paying for parking passes and going to school if everything is done online. And I have to buy a clicker, which is going to be an interesting new experience for me. I don't even know what that thing is, let alone how to use one!
Outside of that we submitted our application for the new placing agency. In the course of 3 hours I received an email for an intro phone call and got a phone call asking if I received that email. I love their enthusiasm, but at the same time, holy cow give me time! My Partner works and is apparently very busy today because he hasn't even read the email yet. Give me a few minutes to get shit together. That said, I am excited with how much enthusiasm they have because that means good things can happen for us... hopefully.
My third compartment, the partner, is sadly lacking right now. Hopefully after this week it will calm down again, but it sucks to not feel like you are connecting simply because there isn't enough hours in the day. We usually lay in bed before falling asleep and just spend time talking and connecting, but this last week that just hasn't happened. We lay down and both fall asleep pretty instantly. Hopefully once all the new wears off from the year we will be able to go back to sharing our thoughts at night. It really is the highlight of my day and the perfect way to send off to dream land. I really do miss that time together. As a trade off though, we have been getting up a bit earlier than normal and doing morning yoga together. That is nice.
It is amazing how each season of life works out. I feel like I am as busy as I have ever been, yet I also feel like I am getting nothing done. Isn't that amazing? I run around all day and feel like I've accomplished nothing. Chipping away at my to do list, however, lets me know that I am really doing something. And I like doing something.
Until Next Time.
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