One of my main goals this year is getting healthy. Part of getting healthy is learning to control my weight, which means learning to control my food instead of my food controlling me. This is always a struggle due to a lot of food insecurities I had as a child and then again as an independent teenager. Today, I have no worries about when my next meal will come, or if it will come, but that doesn't stop the fears and the need to have it all mapped out.
So to control my food a bit, I am using my need for planning to my benefit. I have worked out a menu plan for breakfast, lunch, and supper. It seems odd and strict, but I think it will actually work for me. By planning everything, I can monitor my calories as well as make sure I know exactly when each meal and snack will happen. That puts everything in my control, which I know is not a healthy way to look at it, but it's what I have to do right now.
There are some rules we are following regarding eating in our household in order to make weight loss work for me. We did a little trial and error to figure out what worked best for us, and it seems to be Primal Eating. Which basically means no grains and limited legumes. No added sugars as well. We do eat dairy and I have no plans to change that right now.
It is nice to sit down and have an idea of what you want to do and the ability to make that happen. It is also nice to finally have a support system that I know will not waiver in their support, but will call me out on my shit. If I am doing something stupid, I rest assured that my friends and family will be like "Uhm, dumb, no". It makes figuring out this life thing a little easier to know I have people I can count on.
Here is to hoping I can figure this out and make this work! Isn't that what we all want? To figure out the parts of our lives that give us grief and then fix them. I am fixing.
Until Next Time!
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