Tuesday, April 22, 2014

5 Ways to procrastinate on writing

Today I sat down and realized that I didn't want to write.  Well, I take that back, I did want to write, I just wasn't ready for the tedium of the scene I was working on.  See, I had to create a new world and explain it in such a way that you wouldn't know I was explaining a new world.  Sounds fun, right?  I've put off these scene for days, weeks even, and alas it was the day I had said I would make myself write it, every last detail.  So I got up, got showered, and decided I needed to clean my bathroom.  Then of course I had to vacuum and mop the floors, cause otherwise it's not a clean bathroom.  From there it just spiraled out of control, and in the end here I am, writing 5 ways to procrastinate.  Shall we begin?

1. Clean your house.

photo credit: MikaelWiman via photopin cc
Everyone loves a cleaned house.  Seriously, who doesn't love it when the floors are shiney, the dusting has been done, and even the bathtub sparkles as you walk by?  I love it, and when I need to procrastinate, my house looks amazing.  This week my house has been awesome.  Hell, every time I try to write scenery, my house loves me (and so does my partner, lol).

photo credit: photosteve101 via photopin cc
2. Read other people's work.

What better way to learn to write something than to read it in other books?  There is nothing like losing yourself in a story written by someone else so you don't have to work on your own story!  This is also a good way to procrastinate because you always tell people "Oh, I'm just doing a bit of research." and everyone will believe you!

photo credit: rightsandwrongs via photopin cc
3. Take the dogs for a walk.

Walking is good for everyone.  It helps clear the mind, move out the cobwebs, gets the dogs and you a little exercise.  It helps you see the scenery in front of you and take it all in.  You can write what you see out there, if the new world would have any of those things.  This is a win win because you can procrastinate while also being able to say you are doing research.

4. Take a nap.

photo credit: nick@ via photopin cc
Nothing like knocking out the cobwebs like taking a quick cat nap.  Sleeping always helps you wake up invigorated and ready to face the day!  No one has to know that by "cat nap" you mean sleeping all day like every cat known to man.  When they call and ask if you just woke up, let them know you just took a cat nap and are now ready to face that world.

5. Write a blog post.

photo credit: Giovanni 'jjjohn' Orlando via photopin cc
See, I had you going didn't I?  Thinking I was no longer procrastinating since I was writing about all those ways you could be procrastinating.  In reality, I find blogging to be a little time sink that I absolute have come to love!  But, it is procrastinating in the worst way.  See, with blogging, you can justify that you ARE writing, just not the scene you are avoiding.  You are writing though, and all writing strengthens you in the end.  Now to go actually work on the scenery and new planet-ness of the scene I should be writing.

Until next time.

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