So I'm warning you now, just like I did a few days ago, that this post may ruffle your feathers. Please remember that if you want to engage in honest debate you are free to comment. If you want to name call and attack then I will delete your comment as if nothing happened.
So I was perusing facebook the other day and came across a graphic that made me want to scream. Actually, I am pretty sure I screamed in frustration and honestly, anger, over what I saw.
That. That right there made my head spin and my gut boil with anger. Are you kidding me? This is your idea of a statement worth putting out there and AGREEING with? So I think I am going to take this one a part piece by piece. And I will preface it with this general warning:
I may use terms that make everyone seem the same, but I understand that each person is different. In this post, when I say "Christians" I mean SOME Christians. No all Christians are backward assholes who want to play the martyr card. I do not mean to paint all the religious with the same brush, so please understand that I know there are great people in this world of all types and there are assholes in this world of all types. If this does not apply to you, then please understand that I'm not talking about you. I am talking about the types of people who would post this meme and think they are justified in doing so.
Since when do "Bible-believing Christians" even have to come OUT of the closet? In America, it is pretty much assumed that you are a Christian unless otherwise noted. It is pretty much assumed that you take the Bible as the literal word of God and nothing less, and that every Sunday (or at least the big Sundays like Easter) you are in church enjoying the singing and preaching. Our pledge had "under God" added and our money now reads "In God We Trust", neither of which our founding fathers felt the need to put in the public like that.
I ask this honestly, but when has a "Bible-believing Christian" ever been beaten, in America, for their beliefs? What have their parents, in America, kicked them out and disowned them? When, in American, have they ever feared walking down the wrong road at night? When, in America, have they felt the only recourse for themselves is to commit suicide?
See therein lies the problem, this type of thought process for "Bible-believing Christians" doesn't exist. Cause no matter where they live, they can find a church, find people like them, find a group of people to hang out with. Christians in America don't seem to want to admit how good they have it, really. Being the default is not difficult. They may still have their daily struggles, but you will not find one leaving a note for their mom explaining that while they tried to change, they couldn't, so the only thing left was to take away the pain. By putting a bullet through their head.
Until next time.
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