Wednesday, April 30, 2014

This week....

And it's only Wednesday!

So far this week has been a trial in patience, and if you don't know, I don't possess a whole lot of patience.  I mean, I guess I do, because I worked with small children for years, but when it comes to certain things, I am not very good at it really.  So this week has tested me in every way possible, and it's only midweek!

The start of the testing has been migraines.  Since I started a new medication last week for unrelated issues, I have been down 4 days with migraines so bad I just want to scream.  My Partner keeps threatening to take me to the hospital, but he never follows through.  I have decent migraine meds, but they don't seem to be touching these migraines.  If this continues tonight it will probably end with me at the hospital.  I have an irrational fear of blood clots, despite having very few reasons to even think about clots, I just like to be cautious.

This week has also brought a bit of bad news in things I don't really talk about.  We are trying to start a family, have been for years now, and it appears this week is not the week we wanted.  Instead, here we are, waiting till Monday to figure out more options.  By the way, we are quickly running out of options.

The Partner has also been a bit off this week.  I know he is stressed.  That is really the issue.  His work causes him to be so stressed at times that he has no room for other things.  It just doesn't make for happy home life.

I also haven't been able to clean pretty much anything this week.  So our house is looking more like a bomb went off in it than just two people living here.  That causes me stress, which makes my head worse, which leads to more intense migraines, which leads to me not being very happy.

I am hoping that the rest of this week will go by calmly, but I doubt it.  At some point I have to drive a city over in hopes of getting college squared away for the August semester.  I really just don't want to make that drive.  I guess at some point I have to stop bitching about it and just do it, but really, if someone else wants to do that for me, it would be greatly appreciated!  lol.

Until next time.

photo credit: Sam, the Revolutionary Photographer via photopin cc

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