Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spring break and car wrecks

So spring break is already two days in to a week that's flying by and I'm ready for it to slow down a bit, and be over at the same time!  I was hoping to spend a week relaxing at home, perhaps doing a little cleaning, but no stress.  Well that went out the window.

Car wrecks have ruined my week and it's pissed me off.  My poor car was hit yesterday.  I am fine, everyone I know is fine, but my car is not fine.  Pretty sure they will total it out, because honestly my car is nothing exciting nor worth much money in good condition.  I think the KBB on the car is $1,900 and everyone I've shown the pictures to have valued the damage at $2k or more. 

So today I've been shopping online for a new car!  Well, browsing, as I have no clue what I will qualify for nor how much we can really afford.  I am enjoying the looking though!  Who knew cars have so many bells and whistles now a days.  I just want something to play my CDs and that is safe for any children we may have some day.

On top of the car issues, my professors have all taken this week to send out a bazillion emails about homework that is due Sunday evening.  Who the hell schedules homework over spring break?  I mean, you want to get the most out of your students, but if the week is supposed to be without school, why am I spending my time working on school? 

Anyway, I hope you all are having a better week than I am, so far.  I now have to do adult things like go to the grocery store, finish knitting a scarf and hat set, trim the roses, and then pick my partner up from work.  Thankfully he is cool with me having his car. 

Until Next Time!

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