Friday, May 16, 2014

The nicest thing anyone ever did for me...

This week's FTSF prompt is "The nicest thing anyone ever did for me was...".  I was tempted to sit this one out again, because sometimes it's easier to sit them out than to try to figure out the answer to the prompt, lol.  But alas, I have been sitting here most of the morning trying to figure this out.

3 hours of sleeping bliss!
I was going to say "oh the nicest thing was my Partner letting me nap when I wasn't feeling well..."  but that seems like something anyone would do if you were sick.  I think that feels like the nicest thing because I REALLY was feeling like crap the other night and my partner let me sleep for about 3 hours without disturbing me.  He even kept the dogs quiet, which is a feat all on it's own!

As I sit here, still, contemplating what the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, I am still struggling to come up with a solid answer.  I don't deal with a lot of people on a daily basis, and those I deal with are either children or people who aren't the friendliest to strangers.

I guess the absolute nicest thing done for me was when I had knee surgery a few years ago and my co teacher set about having the class make me "Get Well Soon" cards.  If you've never gotten a card from a two year old, I highly recommend it.  I wish I could find them right this moment so I could take a picture for you to see the absolutely adorable scribbles and pictures.  Unfortunately our house is a bit in shambles due to rearranging, purging, and painting that the box with those cards are probably on the bottom of the largest stack!  Anyway, those cards made me really happy, knowing that at least my co teacher missed me in the classroom, if not the children themselves actually missing me.

It's weird to think I had to spend so much time coming up with this answer.  Perhaps I need to start keeping a journal of the nice things that happen in my life.  I know there are plenty of them that happen, I am not an angry shrew or anything.  What are happy things that have happened in your life?

This post is a part of the Finish the Sentence Friday blog hop.  Feel free to join in!
Janine's Confessions of A Mommyaholic

photo credit: King.... via photopin cc


  1. Love those cards from little kids and just got two for Mother's Day that made me smile so much from my two. Thanks for taking the time to answer the prompt this week and so happy you joined us :)

  2. I took a long time to think about this one. I don't always participate and I would like to more. So many people have done nice things for do you pick just one? In the end I went with something that someone did that boosted my confidence and really changed my life. I think that cards from little kids (big kids too) is just the sweetest thing and it definitely makes you feel warm and fuzzy. And that is such a nice thing!

  3. Anonymous16 May, 2014

    Reading this reminded me of the time a friend's kids (6) and their friends from their condo complex got together on my birthday one year and came up with a song for me. When I pulled in after work, the kids started marching around the parking lot seeing the song for me, and they had wrapped up drawings they had made and some of their toys, etc. for me as presents!! They also had managed not to spill the beans that their parents were throwing me a surprise party - color me shocked on all counts!! :) Hope you still have those cards somewhere and didn't get lost with the "purge" pile. :( [#FTSF]

  4. Anonymous16 May, 2014

    Ummm, yah, make that "singing" the song, not "seeing!" Oops.

  5. That's so wonderful that you have a box of cards from your two-year old students! What a special thing to have and cherish. I had a hard time thinking of what to write about this week too. A journal of the nice things is a great idea!

  6. It's nice to hear I'm not the only one who adores things like this! And Chris, I can assure you they are not in the purge pile... sadly there is very little in that pile, haha.
