Friday, April 25, 2014

The best decision I ever made...

So I know already wrote a post today, but dang-it I found a blog hop that doesn't seem require you be female, have children, be a stay at home mom, or be able to sacrifice 16 virgins in a pot of dragon blood!  So I'm joining it!  My first blog hop!  Woohoo!

Janine's Confessions of A Mommyaholic

So here we go! The sentence this week is "The Best Decision I ever Made" so here we go!

The best decision I ever made was to agree to move to my current city and be "roommates" with the partner.  He asked me, in his words, solely so we'd be closer.  But we would totally be roommates.  I'm pretty sure that he had no intentions of actually just being roommates when he just seemed to not care to let me get my room set up. I'm pretty sure moving is what made our relationship stronger and made us a better couple.

Until next time!


  1. I love your best decision and that you found us today to linkup with. I do hope you will linkup with us again in future weeks to come!! :)

  2. Thanks for the comment! I am glad to find a link up that I could participate in, so I will definitely be back! Thanks for the welcome.

  3. Bravo for being brave enough to move in with your "roommate". It sounds like you are so much happier. Glad you joined us!!

  4. How cool! Love seeing how people became couples. So many different decisions bring us to our mates. And I am a sucker for a happy ending!
