Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Why do you write?

photo credit: Lua Ahmed via photopin cc
My partner asked me today what makes me want to write.  Why do I enjoy this task so much, knowing that it takes so much of my time and energy yet it promises me nothing.  I couldn't answer him.  I really couldn't.  I sat there and just kind of stared out in to space, because I feel there has to be an answer, but I cannot find it.  I do not know why I write.  I do not know why I embark with such vigor on an activity that will probably never get picked up, will not make me a lot of money, and will probably never get me noticed except to send rejection letters.

But I do write.  Every day I show up on my couch, occasionally with pants, and I write.  I write out scenes that are dancing through my head.  I write in the voice of characters that only exist in my dream world.  I often get up in the middle of the night to write something that I dreamed about.  I enjoy most minutes, though I guess I bitch a lot about it, which is why he asked.

I am a creative person by nature.  I really enjoy taking pictures, drawing, writing, and calligraphy.  I enjoy dancing around my house, singing at the top of my lungs, pretending to be anywhere but here.  I always had imaginary friends growing up and we had some epic conversations.  Even today I will talk out loud when writing a conversation between my characters.  This lets me hear if it sounds natural or forced.  It gives me so much information.

So after I sat and thunk about why I write, I couldn't help but asking him why he invents.  He didn't have an answer either.  I think we are at a happy understanding.  I will not ask him why he invents and he will not ask me why I write.  I think it makes us both happier.

Until Next Time.

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