Friday, May 22, 2015


From lack of motivation to adulting and getting this shit done.  I am doing it.  I really have little choice, because it has to be done, but dammit I am doing it! 

We finally bought a new lawn mower.  Talk about a needed upgrade.  My partner has been out mowing the law for only 30 minutes and he already has the back completely finished!  That is an accomplishment of our new mower!  And it has a bag, so there isn't grass clipping everywhere.  And no, we don't throw out the clipping, we use them to fertilize under the trees to help stop soil erosion.  Needless to say, I am pretty sure he will be finished with the law much much quicker than his normal 2 or so hours.  Which means he may have the energy and time to weed wack!  That is always an exciting time around here.

I got out into the garden today and finally planted the petunias and tulip bulbs.  We have a front garden we have had to dig up multiple times because of an invasive grass species.  I think after almost 8 years we have it under control, so we are doing one more controlled plant of annuals.  If all goes well this year, I hope that the tulips will come back and then we will need some summer loving perennials to put in the garden.  I don't like planting every year.  I would much rather plan out my color palette and weed and mulch at the the start of the season and then let my garden work for me.  We have the other two gardens already set up this way, now with this last one hopefully I will be done except for pruning and weeding every year.  Oh that would be an accomplishment. 

This weekend we plan to spend our time early on finishing the yard and then from there we hope to grill out and just relax.  Nothing massive is pressing on our time, we might even go see a movie!  At the theatre!  I wish we had better live theatre here... but alas, we do not.  But at the movie house we go to they have good old fashioned cherry coke on tap... which means cherry coke and popcorn!  Not healthy, but delicious! 

What plans do you have this weekend?  Anything exciting?

Until Next Time!

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